On 2007-11-10 21:53 +0000, Paul Fidler wrote: > On Nov 10 2007, Colin Tuckley wrote: > > >3) The local config file is read from the current directory, is this > > useful or even correct? > > > > My preference would be to remove the "local default" one. > > I've started using bbl recently, and the only bblrc file that I currently > use is the 'local default' one Ditto. I only use the local config, so you can keep a config file for the current tree which has matching filenames etc. I control what I am uploading by setting the current dir to a set of files. This works very well as it allows a conistent set of released files and bbl config to match ('make dist' should give you this). I have never used the user config at all, and don't really use the system config except to provide a sensible default for the serial port. > It might be worth thinking about the order in which the verious bblrc files > are applied. Yes. I'd have system (with only a few important settings in) and then local (by CWD) configs. Not sure there is much point keeping per-user configs, but maybe someone has a use for them (I'd scrap them). It would be nice if bbl was smart enoguh to look up the tree for the 'nearest' bblrc (e.g if in 'kernel' and no bblrc it would look in dir above), but this might cause more problems than it solves. Not sure. In general I don't find it broken as-is, so maybe just leave it alone? Wookey -- Principal hats: Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian http://wookware.org/