Wookey wrote: > Ditto. I only use the local config, so you can keep a config file for > the current tree which has matching filenames etc. I control what I am > uploading by setting the current dir to a set of files. Right, I hadn't thought of that when I made my original post but it makes sense. You could have two (or more) directories, one for each type of hardware and by cd'ing into the appropriate one bbl would have the right options. > Yes. I'd have system (with only a few important settings in) and then > local (by CWD) configs. That does seem to be the way to go. > Not sure there is much point keeping per-user > configs, but maybe someone has a use for them (I'd scrap them). Might be useful for someone who wants to override a system setting for several CWD file sets. Anyway I think it's best not to remove it since it doesn't hurt. > It would be nice if bbl was smart enoguh to look up the tree for the > 'nearest' bblrc (e.g if in 'kernel' and no bblrc it would look in dir > above), but this might cause more problems than it solves. Not sure. I think that might cause more problems than it solved with people wondering why a config option was "magically" set. > In general I don't find it broken as-is, so maybe just leave it alone? Yup, that's my conclusion. Colin -- Colin Tuckley | colin@tuckley.org | PGP/GnuPG Key Id +44(0)1903 236872 | +44(0)7799 143369 | 0x1B3045CE Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you the test first, and the lesson afterwards. - Anonymous