On 2008-03-10 20:37 +0100, Dirk Behme wrote: > Charles Manning wrote: > > Hi All > > > > I have entered YAFFS for Google Summer of Code. We'll know in a few days if > > we're accepted. > > > > We have put a preliminary ideas list up at http://www.yaffs.net/ideas-list > > > > Any more ideas? If so, please send them to (on or off list) so that I can > > include them. > > One additional: I'm not so familiar with past discussion, but what's > about doing some work to get YAFFS itself closer to mainline > integration? Don't know what will be necessary for this though. Whilst this is highly worthwile, it is not really the sort of project that normally gets SoC approval. SoC is intended to let students learn to write new code on discrete projects small enough for them to have a reasonable chance of succeeding. Tarting up existing code to get it into kernel shape doesn't really count. On the subject of actual integration, one of the main things that is necessary is to get the inband tags code into CVS, because this makes YAFFS much better-matched to the way MTD in the kernel is headed, and thus should prevent resistance to it going in. Just to note another recent request for kernel inclusion I had OPen Embedded asking what the chances of YAFFS getting into mainlines were, as they'd really like it to be much easier for people to just pick 'YAFFS' when building an OE image. Wookey -- Principal hats: Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian http://wookware.org/