On 2008-07-28 20:29 +0800, alex z wrote: > Hi All, > > I am using Yaffs2 for an embedded system, and the largest Yaffs2 partition > of my system is 3Giga Bytes, and then copy 600+ files into it. Then normal > mounting time of this partition is about 3 seconds. But it will take a > long time (about 4 minutes) to mount this partition when after write the > partition and system is not normal power off. > > I read many emails from Google which meet the same issue, but without a > solution/workaround yet. Can comments from you? Thanks for your support! well, yes, that's what happens. Can you split your partitions into smaller chunks, make (some of) them read-only? Battery backup allowing proper shutdown? We have similar boot-time issues with a 1G partition, because the students who use the board always pull the power, and don't do a proper shutdown. Adds at least 25 seconds to boot time. Wookey -- Principal hats: Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian http://wookware.org/