There two significant problems with opening up the schematic files. a) The danger that balloon-alikes which aren't in line with the expansion plans will dilute the efforts of the few people that have the time, resources and expertise to keep this going. b) The danger of errors creeping into the design. This is where Open Hardware is not the same as Open Software because the cost of replication is very high, and the time it takes to move a design from schematic, to PCB to production to test is very long (in comparison to a compile and test cycle on a bit of Open Software), probably a minimum of 6 months to 12 months especially given that no one is working full time on this. (In reality it typically takes 2 years for us to produce an new Balloon board when you consider 2-3 prototypes, getting DFM right and synching up the software). As I know you are all aware, one small mistake in a schematic can go unnoticed until several thousand pounds have been spend making it, populating it and testing it. I know this sounds draconian but for these reasons iEndian's Balloon boards will continue to be made from closed design files (that way, when it breaks, it's our fault...). As we say on the web site anyone is welcome to DIY. We are always happy to take design suggestions on board, but we will arbitrate and decide what goes down on the boards we make. Partly because we already have an idea about how the designs need to progress and because we have to make sure that our customers can migrate their products along with each iteration. We will of course publish the designs and make the gerbers available etc as we always have. What *will* be useful is for the external interfaces to be ported to other formats so that people can build add-on boards etc. I've got a blank expansion board schematic and PCB outline and am in the process of making a few connector expansion boards. JTAG done to first rev, needs a respin before manufacture, PINKO in progress, SAMOSA ditto, as is a double QTE/QSE header that will allow a Balloon and IO board to be "spatchcocked". Note also that the "Wired Board" (VGA+Ethernet+USB breakout etc) is also at first rev and Peter Long has a CUED expansion board that plugs into the Comms connector. Moving these to a common open design platform would be a good thing. (However note that the latest manufacturing run has updated the connections available on the PINKO and in the next revision we will be dropping the Comms connector as its functions are fully duplicate elsewhere, this move has been prompted by the failure to make the second USB host controller work which was the only way to get USB Host on a top side populated board). We are also about to start thinking about Balloon 4, so now is a good time to open a discussion... (Steve?) Regards David Bisset iEndian Ltd. _______________________________________________ Balloon mailing list