The Balloonboard Wiki has been upgraded to 1.7 along with the server upgrade to Debian Lenny. This allows us to turn on textcapchas to keep the spammers at bay who have been making a hell of a mess on the wiki for the last year or so. This apears to have totally removed the wiki spam, and it is accessible in a way that graphical captchas are not. However it's still annoying to have to answer a question every time you change a page so the TrustedUsersGroup page exists to turn them off for known editors. Please poke me if you are making more than a couple of edits and would like to be added to this page. The static front pages of the site are in the process of being moved into the wiki to make it easier to keep that part up to date (and stop the project looking moribund, which is the impression the top-level pages give.) If anyone is enthused to help with that job then you will be most welcome, especially if you have moinmoin layout-foo. Finally many thanx to Paul Boddie who has been doing sterling (if very dull) work deleting spam manually for months. Hopefully he can have a rest for a while now. More Balloon news to follow shortly - there has been quite a lot going on recently. Wookey -- Principal hats: iEndian - Balloonboard - Toby Churchill - Emdebian