Hi All I would generally not clutter up in-boxes with emails like this, but there is a good chance that this is a good match for someone reading this list. I have had contact with Michele in the past and he is keen and seems very capable. His special interest areas are flash memory robustness particularly in space. I have posted his resume here: http://users.actrix.co.nz/manningc/yaffs/CV_Resume_MicheleFabiano.pdf -- Charles From: Michele Fabiano Dear Charles, I am Michele Fabiano, Ph.D. Student of Politecnico di Torino (Italy): professor Paolo Prinetto is my tutor. I am working with Flash Memories for Space Applications and I am trying to exploit YAFFS for this scope. I wrote you several times to ask some technical info about YAFFS and your help was really fundamental to go on with my work: now I am understanding more and more YAFFS and I am exploiting it to get a FLash Architecture Evaluation (FLARE) tool. Now I would like to spend a period abroad, working hard in a good research group and improving my skills. I do not know if you could give me a suggestion about were it could be worth to go, but do you know if there are some chance of some kind of "internship" in your company or in some company that you know? I also attached my CV to this mail, if it could help. My dream is to go on working on this stuff, because I love it: I think that flash memories and embedded and dependable systems could be the right terms to resume my desires. Any suggestion, contact and information could be really helpful for me. Thanks again for your support. Kind regards, -- "Hard*ware n. The part of a computer system that can be kicked." Michele FABIANO