+++ Charles Manning [2010-05-19 09:21 +1200]: > Building happens... Hooray! :-) > But I now have problems trying to load the fs off the USB stick because there > is no setup. > setup > > ooops not there Hmm, we've not seen that here. Which svn vintage are you using? r1062 built and tested nicely for me here for both base build (which you've been testing, and -tcl-sl40 variant) But then we immediately started fixing things so 1064 and 1065 fix missing modules and tools for PCMCIA on the base build. 1065 should build nicely too but I'm not sure I checked. 1067 should build a -CUED variant properly. Then nick added support for a (much!) newer buildroot and kernel (2.6.34 instead of 2.6.29) in r1069-1071. The defaults are the same so nothing should change, but again I'm not certain nothing broke. After that I starrted hacking to add 4kpage nand to and currently that's bust (remove the 4kpage-nand.patch from the series file before building). So I'd suggest building r1062, r1065 or (for latest kernel which no doubt interests you) r1071. 2.6.34-rc7 worked fine here yesterday with new buildroot on new 8Gbit/4kpage nand but we haven't tested the whole shebang with fresh build on new card yet. I'll back out the 4knand patch from the base build in HEAD because currently it's only available/an issue on the single-sided tcl variant. That should leave HEAD both working and current (for a base (VARIANTless) build. OK. done in r1080. None of this explains why your setup might have got lost. No-one messed with that. It comes from the initrd/configurator.patch which puts a file into buildroot/target/generic/target_skeleton_balloon3_installer/usr/bin/setup is that file there? It's easy to do what it does by hand - it's all very low-tech: #prerequesites modprobe ohci-hcd usb-storage vfat ext2 mkdir -p /mnt/root /mnt/boot /mnt/sda1 mount /mnt/root mount /mnt/sda1 #to unpack, chroot into, configure and tar up result (save for future use) cd /mnt/sda1 rm -rf emdebroot mkdir -p emdebroot ( cd emdebroot && tar xvzf /mnt/sda1/emdebianrootstrap.tgz ) export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true (or just answer questions about timezone) chroot emdebroot dpkg -a --configure ( cd emdebroot && tar -cvzf ../emdebianroot.tgz * ) #To install new, configured rootfs (or one from a previous session): cd /mnt rm -R /mnt/root/* cd /mnt/root tar xvzf /mnt/sda1/emdebianroot.tgz umount /mnt/root reboot Wookey -- Principal hats: iEndian - Balloonboard - Toby Churchill - Emdebian http://wookware.org/