+++ Charles Manning [2010-08-19 11:14 +1200]: > I'm building kernel 2.6.34. > This does not work out the box due to missing PCMCIA patches, but the kernel > compiles if PCMCIA configs are removed from .config Yeah - sorry no-one has got round to fixing that yet. PCMCIA on FPGA boards seems to be the one remaining broken area. Both the patches and the VHDL have issues. It's right at the top of my list next time I get a bit of balloon-time. > I then noticed that the initrd build is wgetting Is that > correct? yes - the old buildroot we are using does that as part of it's toolchain build. none of it ends up being used beyond that. So don't worry about that. Wookey -- Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM http://wookware.org/