I'm trying to switch over to a 2.6.34 kernel but am having a problem.. I expect this is pilot error. Here's what I did: Changed KERNELVER to 2.6.34 in Makefile.inc Had to change PCMCIA stuff in .config make make dist utils/bbl --installer utils/bbl --kernel boot> boot flash This appears to do a regular yaffs boot that sufers since it does not find the 2.6.34 modules in yaffs. Has the kernel command line changed? I also am still a bit fuzzy as to what bbling installer vs kernel do so I tried utils/bbl --installer boot> boot flash and utils/bbl --kernel boot> boot flash and got the same I am trying to work around this by reverting the kernel back to a 2.6.29 kernel (which has the modules in yaffs) and using this to copy in the 2.6.34 modules, then loading and booting 2.6.34 kernel. -- Charles