+++ Charles Manning [2010-08-20 14:22 +1200]: > Thanks Wookey. More questions below... > > > > > utils/bbl --installer puts in the NOR kernel+buildroot initramfs, which is > > what gets booted when you do 'boot flash' > > > > utils/bbl --kernel puts in the NAND kernel, which is what gets booted > > when you do 'boot' (or 'boot kernel' I think). > > That's what I thought. Does the one override the other? Do they live in the > same NOR-space? No, the NOR kern+ininramfs lives in NOR The NAND kernel lives in NAND (There's a clue in the names and they are the exact same kernel build - the only difference is linking in the initramfs. You could put them in the other way round if you liked... > > If it's not a new checkout and you previously built 2.6.29, then this > > is probably a make bug that is not correctly replacing the kernel > > modules (I've seen that before). If it is a fresh checkout then I > > don't know what's going wrong. > > I svnb updated, did the mods for 2.6.34 then rm -rf'ed distro and build, then > make make distclean is better than rm -rf distro - it tidies up things that get built/touched in 'trunk' as well as in distro - the build is not quite a cleanly 'out of source tree' as I would like in a few places. Nevertheless I'd expect what you have done to work fine. Wookey -- Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM http://wookware.org/