After the recent "trouble" with VHDL I'd like to propose that we change the way we do things with respect to VHDL. The current system is predicated on building the VDHL images using the script process. None of the people who build VHDL for Balloon boards use this method and there is no incentive to do so. The VHDL still needs to be held in the main tree simply because changes in the VHDL may well need corresponding code changes and it is important that these are kept in sync. However the recent problems highlight that this has not been happening. Currently trunk still contains VLIO based VHDL but non-vlio based software which is why it fails to work. I think this is caused because the current workflow for modifying VHDL involves too much complexity and as a result has spawned the TCL branch which is the only place where functional code exists. I would like to get back to having one VHDL source tree so we don't waste effort again. I would like to propose that variants are controlled by a variants.vhd file that holds flags to control all the variants in the source and not to have the variations held as patches on the main VHDL files. This will make non script building using the Xilinx tools much easier. The VHDL compilers are very very good a stripping out redundant bits of logic so you can easily write VHDL as if a control signal exists to flick between variants and if that control happens to be a constant the whole thing flattens. (I need to see how practical this is in VHDL terms but I'm guessing an included set of constants which can be switched on/off will work, I think it is reasonable to assume all variants will relate to code changes in balloon3.vhd and that variants in modules can be handled by signal declarations). This means that all variant types can be held in one place and documented, and that the variants file can be patched for a given build target as part of a checkout and build process but that the main VHDL files will not need to be patched. It also makes it clear which variant you are building by simply looking a the variants.vhd file. I think this keeps the essential features of keeping VHDL in the source tree, and patching it to reflect particular builds but minimises the effect of multiple patches. It will mean the VHDL code will get slightly more complex but I think that given the small number of people maintaining it that will not be a problem. However I don't think we should release v1.0 with this scheme but instead should checkin the VHDL so that the VHDL in trunk reflects the software in trunk. This means that the VLIO.patch file (which is in fact a NO-VLIO.patch since it patches a VLIO VHDL source to being no-VLIO) should be removed, and the trunk files made directly compatible. (I have no idea how to do this and it needs to be done in synchrony with my checking in to trunk the NON-VLIO VHDL. (Note any PCMCIA fixing is still outstanding). Regards David __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 5483 (20100927) __________ The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.