+++ Chris Jones [2011-03-25 16:42 +0000]: > A simple plea from me to the Balloon community: if you make a change > that will confuse, befuddle or otherwise affect other people, *please* > post a message to the mailing list, and/or write something in the Wiki, > saying what you've done. A very sensible request. Far too much balloon conversation happens not on this list. One thing you can do to keep on top of what's going on is subscribe to the balloon-svn list, then at least you know when people are changing things, and what they changed. Not as good as docs, but still useful. http://balloonboard.org/mailman/listinfo/balloon-svn This helps because balloon activity tends to be very 'bursty'. Wookey -- Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM http://wookware.org/