Hi, 2011/5/13 Patrick Doyle : > 1) Where is the VHDL code?  package/vhdl contains only 3 files: > Config.in, vhdl.deps, and vhdl.mk. It is now on trunk, merged from tags/1.0-stable [0]. For its synthesis, Xilinx ISE tools are used. Automated build from trunk might need fixing, I have not tested it. (I won't be able to work on that for long time, help welcome). > 2) According to http://www.balloonboard.org/balloonwiki/QuickInstall, > I'm supposed to do a: > > $ cd > $ make > $ make dist > >   ...but when I do that, the "make dist" step doesn't appear to do > anything.  Is this expected?  Should I update the wiki? `make dist` target populates distro/ directory with relevant files, so bbl, openocd and other tools can work from there. > 3) I'm sure I had a 3rd question... can anybody remember what it was? Would that be... when is the baby born? Today or tomorrow? :-) Cheers, --  Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-. PS.- I'll be off for a couple weeks on paternity leave. "Our Sun unleashes tremendous flares expelling hot gas into the Solar System, which one day will disconnect us." -- Day DVB-T stop working nicely Video flare: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap100510.html