On Saturday 20 August 2011 11:38:22 srimugunthan dhandapani wrote: > Hi all, > I have a few questions about yaffs2. Thanks in advance for replying. I Suggest you read HowYaffsWorks.pdf. It is on yaffs.net. > 1. Yaffs2 now ensures that pages within a block will be written > sequentially. With multiple threads is it possible that pages within a > block may be written out of order? No > 2. Ext4 is supposed to better in multithreaded performance in > comparison to yaffs2 in Android. > What sorts of problems have to solved in yaffs2 for better > multi-threaded performance?. At this stage yaffs is still single threaded locked but there has been some work moving towards multi-threading. > How can one contribute toward this effort? > 3. Is it possible to get reasonably accurate runtime memory > consumption from checkpoint size, Not really. > What is the approximate relationship between checkpoint size and > runtime mem consumption > is there a linear relationship like, > Checkpointsize + ShortOpCacheSize + YAffs tempbuffers + (?) = Runtime > memory consumption There is a relationship. Have a read of HowYaffsWorks first. That will help start the understanding. > 4. I want to take yaffs2 benchmark measurements on an aged > filesystem(ie which has been used for quite some months). > Any ideas for how to artificially create such an yaffs2 image?. The easiest thing to do here is probably to use the simulator. I will be very interested in what you find. I would be surprised if a long lifetime creates and degradation. Fragmentation is a problem on mechanical storage because this forces the disk to perform lots of seeks to read a file. This does not hurt flash because there is no seek time. > I want something like, if i create 100MB aged yaffs2 image , is > there a way i can write it like multiple times to create a larger, > say 1GB image? Not really because duplicating tags and sequence Ids will not work. -- Charles\