The balloon wiki was suffering a major spam attack last/this week. It was being hammered so hard that simply leaving it up was putting the server load up over 20 which was making it slow for the other sites it serves. And new spam pages were appearing at a shocking rate. So I've disabled it entirely for now until I have some load controls in place and all the crap has been tidied out (They added 9300 spam pages to the 180 real pages). For many moons our textcha kept the problems reasonably minor (lots of spam users, but only a few pages), But in July we started getting 10/day and on aug27th something really bad happened and it rose to ~200/day, and eventually a bot load we can't cope with. I hate spammers. When the wiki is back (and the machine upgraded to wheezy which has a version of moin with this option), user signups will be moderated by a real human (or possibly just disabled entirely unless you ask nicely, as we don't expect many new users on this site). Wookey -- Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM