I've been searching for mounths(me english not very well) for a small portable homebrew computer with linux system ported to it (if i only learnt about google faster,the net cafe i go to is well...the guys at aren't very comunicative)and i found ballon,sure its great you got ure schemathics you got your kernel ,gerber files,bootloader all the stuff right there in your face but for what use are they if you "can't read the map"?hoping someone from above(project leader:) will make somekind of tutorial-instructions on how to assemble a ballon BY HAND without the use a fab house or anything else make something like:This will teach how to asemble a baloon contents 1 how to use schemathics... 2 loading the kernel 3rootfs 4ram 5bootloader 6how to install other programs 7how to install xfree(if posible) 8display devices(lcd crt ,tv) 9internet(?) get my grip? anyways hope someone will reply to my ideea or at least me post --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.