Hello Yaffs ers and Charles I want to report an observation I had when testing Yaffs2 direct interface. In yaffs2 we have the option of "useHeaderFileSize". Now in yaffs_Scan() , after we scan all blocks, we check if "yaffs2" option is enabled or not. If yaffs2 is enabled we make dev->useHeaderFileSize = 1. Upon enabling this, the expected result would be , that object would get the file size from object header, and not from scanned file size. Now when we do dumpDir(const char* path), my observation was that , it shows all the files , but sizes are shown as 0. At this point , I tried to make dev->useHeaderFileSize = 0. So now , we directly assign the object's scanned file size to object's file size and VOILA!!! Everything seems to work fine. This time dumpDir(const char* path) returns all the files with there respective sizes!!! Please let me know if you have encountered any such issues! Thanks Abhishek ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)and may contain CONFIDENTIAL and PRIVILEGED information. LG Soft India will not be responsible for any viruses or defects or any forwarded attachments emanating either from within LG Soft India or outside. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender By reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. **********************************************************************************************************************************************************