Hi .... I am using a NAND flash of 2K page size. when I go through mailing list I am able to know that some other users also faced the same issue.I'm mounting using following command after I have enabled following configuration in defconfig. CONFIG_YAFFS_FS=y CONFIG_YAFFS_YAFFS1=y CONFIG_YAFFS_9BYTE_TAGS=y CONFIG_YAFFS_YAFFS2=y CONFIG_YAFFS_AUTO_YAFFS2=y CONFIG_YAFFS_DISABLE_LAZY_LOAD=y # CONFIG_YAFFS_DISABLE_WIDE_TNODES is not set # CONFIG_YAFFS_ALWAYS_CHECK_CHUNK_ERASED is not set CONFIG_YAFFS_SHORT_NAMES_IN_RAM=y The commands I am using for mounting is flash_eraseall /dev/mtd14 nandwrite -a -o /dev/mtd14 dummy.yaffs2 mount -t yaffs2 /dev/mtdblock14 /mnt/nand i also tried flash_eraseall /dev/mtd14 mount -t yaffs2 /dev/mtdblock14 /mnt/nand But after that if I unmount and remount once more time the files I am creating will disappear.At the same time a new file will be creating in the folder lost+found,as name objXXXX.the content is still there in the nand flash. I heard that there is some patch available for MTD device to make the yaffs2 working.Also I am using another nand of page size 512 bytes, Its working fine with yaffs1. please help me to cure this problem.. Regards Thomas Scariah