Whilst doing some stress testing on a board with limited RAM, I tripped over an assertion failure. In yaffs_CreateNewObject, YAFFS would sometimes successfully AllocateEmptyObject but not be able to allocate a new tnode, so GetTnode returned 0. It would then immediately attempt to FreeObject, but the freshly allocated object already has a parent so it hits the YBUG trap at line 1992 of yaffs_guts.c. I attach a patch which fixes this assertion (and a similar case I spotted in yaffs_MknodObject) by calling DoGenericObjectDeletion instead of FreeObject, though it might instead be reasonable for AllocateEmptyObject to not try to add the object to the rootDir or lostNFoundDir. Ross -- Embedded Software Engineer, eCosCentric Limited. Barnwell House, Barnwell Drive, Cambridge CB5 8UU, UK. Registered in England no. 4422071. www.ecoscentric.com