Dear All, I believe I have not included some important information. The OOB dumps included in my previous email were taken off the /data partition of a Motorola MB200 (DEXT / CLIQ) Android mobile device using nanddump. As such, I'm not sure of the NAND driver used. Anyway, I was able to, for the Motorola MB200, identify the bytes used to store the sequenceNo, objectId, chunkId, and size of data on chunk. For the benefit of curious people... byte 1 - 30 : Didn't manage to decipher... 19 91 65 5A 15 1C 81 88 9D E2 24 79 C5 84 F5 43 F3 D9 11 4C AF 1F AE 8A 9E 3E FA CD 51 0A byte 31 - 34 : Sequence No 5F 1D 00 00 (7519) byte 35 - 38 : Object Id F2 01 00 00 (498) byte 39 - 42 : Chunk Id 04 00 00 00 (4) byte 43 - 46 : Size of data on chunk in bytes 00 08 00 00 (2048) byte 47 - 64: Didn't manage to decipher... DB 2C E8 F1 16 5F 5C DB 19 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Thanks for the previous feedback. Best Regards, Eugene Soh