Hi Team! I have updated (mostly) the vhdl directory to build the FPGA image from source using the Xilinx 13.1 tools.(*) Attached is a patchfile showing what I changed. Can anybody tell me why Makefile.local is under revision control? Shouldn't that be something that I own locally and modify as I see fit? Anyway, this patch assumes that XILINX-TOOLS is set in Makefile.local and that it points to the local Xilinx installation. It also assumes that you're running something recent enough that you need to source settings32.sh instead of settings.sh. I don't know when Xilinx made that change, not having been playing in the Xilinx playpen for the last few years. It also probably assumes a whole slew of options that are more recent than the 8.x or 9.x revision upon which things have been built in the past. I got all of the default options by importing the existing project into ISE, compiling it, and extracting the options out of the log files. With these changes, I can do a $ make fpga in either the top level or the package/vhdl directory & rebuild the FPGA code. (*) Why 13.1? Because that's what I happened to download when I said to myself, "I need to go get some Xilinx tools". I know some folks like to run one release behind the latest (especially for Xilinx tools) and it doesn't appear that we're doing anything that really needs the latest & greatest from Xilinx, but that's what I've got. --wpd