Hello All on list I am doing some tests with yaffs at the moment and have a question regarding the sequence number. in the docs howyaffsworks it states Sequence Number: As each block is allocated, the file system's sequence number is incremented and each chunk in the block is marked with that sequence number. The sequence number thus provides a way of organising the log in chronological order However when I am identifying items in the an image they are all returning with the same sequence number Directory: ./, Size: -1, ParentID 1,ChunkID 0, ObjectID 1, SequenceID 4096. Directory: .//test3, Size: -1, ParentID 1,ChunkID 0, ObjectID 257, SequenceID 4096. Filename: test2.txt, Size: 10, ParentID 257,ChunkID 1, ObjectID 258, SequenceID 4096. Filename: test, Size: 9, ParentID 1,ChunkID 1, ObjectID 259, SequenceID 4096. Filename: test4.txt, Size: 11, ParentID 1,ChunkID 1, ObjectID 260, SequenceID 4096. Directory: .//test5, Size: -1, ParentID 1,ChunkID 0, ObjectID 261, SequenceID 4096. Filename: test7.txt, Size: 11, ParentID 261,ChunkID 1, ObjectID 262, SequenceID 4096. I have based my code on wunyaffs which uses unyaffs from googlecode. I would have thought each chunk received a unique sequence number but it looks like it is block?.