Hi folks One piece of the yaffs2 puzzle that has been missing forever is some means of extracting/loading images from/to flash and being able to manipiulate these on the host. This is generally thwarted by different flash drivers having different ecc layouts. What I have in development is something called ymemtool which is intended to do all the nandread/nandwrite functions with a yaffs slant. In the fullness of time, ymemtool will be able to do all of: 1) Tell us info about the flash including the oob layout. 2) Read the contents of flash, apply the oob layout and so write an image file in a consistent format. 3) Read a consistently formatted image file, apply the oob layout and write to nand. At this stage, (1) works and (2,3) are work in progress. Then a host-side program will be able to read/write the consistently formatted image file. -- Charles