I want to migration yaffs2 to my embedded system without os support. I have read the paper “YAFFS Direct Interface” from yaffs.net. but the structure of the source code makes me confusion more or less.i’ve some question to ask : 1. as I know bad block mechanism in yaffs2 is only depend on the access function,can anyone tell me how does yaffs manage badblock indeed or which file or function can help with this problem? 2. As my nand is 2-kb per page,I don’t want to us yaffs1 features,so which files or functions or structure shuld I modify? 3. As the source code folders shows YDI is separated in a single folder named “direct”. does it means that only modify the files in this folder is ok to integrate yaffs2 to my system int YDI mode? 4. Yaffs2 use tnode to manage chunks in file,I know how to record the chunk num but I’m confused about how files get the chunk num from tnode? Thanks a lot. Forgive my dull