Working with yaffs2
I have faced a strange problem. Intially to initialise the file system, i make a
call to
yaffs_StartUp() and
then yaffs_mount("/flash"). I am only using flash device.
Following this I
create files, which are successfully created. To see the created files I use
which clearly shows
the created file and the size. All is fine upto this stage!
But problem
starts, once I restart the system and try to reinitialize. Well once I do this ,
the return messages
show that all blocks
starting from START BLOCK to END BLOCK are empty. ( Even though previously we
have created
a file of 1 MB).
Next after this if I call dumpDir("/flash") I get only lost+found dir, and the
previously created file is simply gone.
But the funny thing
is that , when I try to create another file after reinitalization, it actually
allocates a chunk which is the next
chunk from the last
chunk used ( Suppose last chunk used was X, then the next chunk allocated
will be X+1), which is a correct
Now I have seen ,
that in yaffs_Scan() we yaffs_QueryInitialBlockState(), inside which the state
is always returned as EMPTY.
Therefore every time
you scan all blocks definetely turn up as EMPTY, and though there exists data in
the flash, it shows 0 files
and complete flash
as empty!
Moreover this was
never a problem with yaffs1, since every time i reboot I used to reinitialize
using the same sequence, and I used
to get all files and
directories intact!
Does yaffs2 expect
only one intialisation? If so what about reboots??
Is this a bug??? Or
am I missing something while reinitalizing?