Hello there,

Just read the following document


and then the following wiki page


So finally after all these years, Balloon3 is here. Two thing that I would like to ask:

1. I cannot find Ethernet anywhere in the pdf spec. Appreciate it if someone in the know can label the pictures  To highlight which is what. Most importantly on the connectors.

2. I really hope that balloon3 will be a commercial success and widely available. So that the price will be cheap enough for someone like me. I am wondering what is the cost / price now to get one of the board?

Commercial success & pricing can be chicken and egg situation. If it is expensive, it will not have a good start, cannot be mass produced and is not going to be cheap sooner. And so the cycle continue.  Much like the original balloon board.

So here is my 2 cents ... perhaps we can brainstorm a little bit on how to improve this condition.

My suggestion, which is my third point:

3. We should drive demand for Balloon3 board by having initial or flagship product that target either the hobbyist or commercial people. Maybe some kind of affordable DIY home security and automation product. Complete with assemble yourself kit.

Perhaps something that people can collaborate in international level. Otherwise it is hard to get it mass produced.
