truncating to largest ever: 0x13e76 truncating to largest ever: 0x2e52c truncating to largest ever: 0x3c2c2 truncating to largest ever: 0x3f15f truncating to largest ever: 0x3fcb9 truncating to largest ever: 0x3fe96 truncating to largest ever: 0x3ff9d READ BAD DATA: offset = 0xdd7c, size = 0xd933 OFFSET GOOD BAD RANGE 0x f000 0x0000 0x6c22 0x 7fc operation# (mod 256) for the bad data may be 108 LOG DUMP (9606 total operations): 9607(135 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x3906 thru 0x3a7c (0x177 bytes) 9608(136 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x26e63 thru 0x2c6e2 (0x5880 bytes) 9609(137 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x27e15 thru 0x37d32 (0xff1e bytes) 9610(138 mod 256): WRITE 0x83e2 thru 0x11af4 (0x9713 bytes) ***WWWW 9611(139 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x2607d thru 0x32518 (0xc49c bytes) 9612(140 mod 256): READ 0x2c84a thru 0x2e69a (0x1e51 bytes) 9613(141 mod 256): WRITE 0x257ae thru 0x2732b (0x1b7e bytes) 9614(142 mod 256): WRITE 0x1a401 thru 0x26d00 (0xc900 bytes) 9615(143 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x3f357 thru 0x3ffff (0xca9 bytes) 9616(144 mod 256): READ 0x7b78 thru 0xa56a (0x29f3 bytes) 9617(145 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x3009 thru 0x4819 (0x1811 bytes) 9618(146 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x16efa thru 0x254f5 (0xe5fc bytes) .............. SKIPPED SOME BITS ..................... 9539(67 mod 256): READ 0xe4a3 thru 0x190c5 (0xac23 bytes) ***RRRR*** 9540(68 mod 256): WRITE 0x342d5 thru 0x3b027 (0x6d53 bytes) 9541(69 mod 256): WRITE 0x3075d thru 0x37fb0 (0x7854 bytes) 9542(70 mod 256): WRITE 0x251e0 thru 0x2bca8 (0x6ac9 bytes) 9543(71 mod 256): READ 0x31c12 thru 0x3c229 (0xa618 bytes) 9544(72 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x3335 thru 0x10620 (0xd2ec bytes) ***RRRR*** 9545(73 mod 256): READ 0x27678 thru 0x28789 (0x1112 bytes) 9546(74 mod 256): TRUNCATE DOWN from 0x3c22a to 0x261c5 9547(75 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x9aef thru 0x1585a (0xbd6c bytes) ***RRRR*** 9548(76 mod 256): READ 0x1d668 thru 0x261c4 (0x8b5d bytes) 9549(77 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x965e thru 0xd049 (0x39ec bytes) 9550(78 mod 256): WRITE 0x11903 thru 0x1ac41 (0x933f bytes) 9551(79 mod 256): WRITE 0x10fa1 thru 0x112dc (0x33c bytes) 9552(80 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x225e thru 0x3209 (0xfac bytes) 9553(81 mod 256): READ 0x1f4dc thru 0x25666 (0x618b bytes) 9554(82 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x1c327 thru 0x1fa19 (0x36f3 bytes) 9555(83 mod 256): TRUNCATE UP from 0x261c5 to 0x366e6 9556(84 mod 256): WRITE 0x1d8b2 thru 0x2174c (0x3e9b bytes) 9557(85 mod 256): WRITE 0x2d5e0 thru 0x38dc9 (0xb7ea bytes) EXTEND 9558(86 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x65bb thru 0x14d89 (0xe7cf bytes) ***RRRR*** 9559(87 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x262ef thru 0x2fc8b (0x999d bytes) 9560(88 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0xf641 thru 0x1386b (0x422b bytes) ******WWWW 9561(89 mod 256): TRUNCATE DOWN from 0x38dca to 0x31ff8 9562(90 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x3ee1e thru 0x3ffff (0x11e2 bytes) 9563(91 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x89ad thru 0xaf3b (0x258f bytes) 9564(92 mod 256): READ 0x25dc6 thru 0x34768 (0xe9a3 bytes) 9565(93 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x1c233 thru 0x1d43d (0x120b bytes) 9566(94 mod 256): WRITE 0x2e409 thru 0x3a5a1 (0xc199 bytes) 9567(95 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x24549 thru 0x2e047 (0x9aff bytes) 9568(96 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x6bb4 thru 0x12ee9 (0xc336 bytes) ******WWWW 9569(97 mod 256): WRITE 0x21d0c thru 0x27460 (0x5755 bytes) 9570(98 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x187fb thru 0x206d8 (0x7ede bytes) 9571(99 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x28e9e thru 0x2c684 (0x37e7 bytes) 9572(100 mod 256): WRITE 0x247a5 thru 0x2804c (0x38a8 bytes) 9573(101 mod 256): READ 0x53f1 thru 0x83a0 (0x2fb0 bytes) 9574(102 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x5f95 thru 0x60e2 (0x14e bytes) 9575(103 mod 256): TRUNCATE DOWN from 0x40000 to 0x27d43 9576(104 mod 256): TRUNCATE DOWN from 0x27d43 to 0x40e1 ******WWWW 9577(105 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x23511 thru 0x2d8b4 (0xa3a4 bytes) 9578(106 mod 256): WRITE 0x240d4 thru 0x29fb1 (0x5ede bytes) 9579(107 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x1d615 thru 0x2b54b (0xdf37 bytes) 9580(108 mod 256): WRITE 0xe8eb thru 0x16db0 (0x84c6 bytes) ***WWWW 9581(109 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x529c thru 0x576c (0x4d1 bytes) 9582(110 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x65e5 thru 0x12e06 (0xc822 bytes) ***RRRR*** 9583(111 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0xa3fc thru 0xeaa5 (0x46aa bytes) 9584(112 mod 256): WRITE 0x122f7 thru 0x216f2 (0xf3fc bytes) 9585(113 mod 256): READ 0x10879 thru 0x1dbf3 (0xd37b bytes) 9586(114 mod 256): WRITE 0x3757e thru 0x3ffff (0x8a82 bytes) HOLE 9587(115 mod 256): WRITE 0x2b24b thru 0x325fa (0x73b0 bytes) 9588(116 mod 256): TRUNCATE DOWN from 0x40000 to 0x3b097 9589(117 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x3183a thru 0x3b096 (0x985d bytes) 9590(118 mod 256): WRITE 0x94c8 thru 0x14cc3 (0xb7fc bytes) ***WWWW 9591(119 mod 256): WRITE 0x278e0 thru 0x3654b (0xec6c bytes) 9592(120 mod 256): READ 0x1065 thru 0xcc58 (0xbbf4 bytes) 9593(121 mod 256): TRUNCATE DOWN from 0x3b097 to 0x1d5ee 9594(122 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0xb7da thru 0x1660f (0xae36 bytes) ******WWWW 9595(123 mod 256): TRUNCATE DOWN from 0x1d5ee to 0x18d35 9596(124 mod 256): WRITE 0x2f429 thru 0x340a1 (0x4c79 bytes) HOLE 9597(125 mod 256): READ 0x11331 thru 0x18bfa (0x78ca bytes) 9598(126 mod 256): WRITE 0x2160b thru 0x26bd7 (0x55cd bytes) 9599(127 mod 256): TRUNCATE UP from 0x340a2 to 0x3c5fd 9600(128 mod 256): MAPWRITE 0x1391b thru 0x1c94a (0x9030 bytes) 9601(129 mod 256): WRITE 0x375aa thru 0x3878a (0x11e1 bytes) 9602(130 mod 256): MAPREAD 0x2d86c thru 0x382f1 (0xaa86 bytes) 9603(131 mod 256): TRUNCATE DOWN from 0x3c5fd to 0xb013 ******WWWW 9604(132 mod 256): WRITE 0x19606 thru 0x282e0 (0xecdb bytes) HOLE ***WWWW 9605(133 mod 256): WRITE 0x1d4e2 thru 0x1dfd5 (0xaf4 bytes) 9606(134 mod 256): MAPREAD 0xdd7c thru 0x1b6ae (0xd933 bytes) ***RRRR*** Correct content saved for comparison (maybe hexdump "/mnt/foo" vs "/mnt/foo.fsxgood")