recently,I add the yaffs to my
linux kernel-2.4.19; and I can mount the yaffs file system
well; however when I want to write a new file(vi etc.) to the file system.
the function:yaffs_WriteNewChunkToNAND will be used,but The
console display that :
"yaffs write
verify failed on chunk n"
"yaffs write
verify failed on chunk n"
and i print the spare and rbSpare
,in my opinion ,they must be the same!~ but in fact they are not the
same !~ the tagByte2 and the tagByte3
are different. and the blockStatus i wrote was 0xFF;
but 0x71 read; i think this difference make the file written error!~ ,so
I just want anyone can help me to tell me how ......to sovle this
problem..... a big problem for me ,gaga ,
and thanks a lot!~