In a response in October 2008 Charles Manning said:-
> In YAFFS the file system partition can be many Gbytes. We have had some people using it with 6 GBytes or more.
As for individual file sizes, YAFFS should be able to handle individual files bigger than 2Gbytes but I have not tested this. If the current code does not currently handle this then it should be a relatively simple matter to correct that.
YAFFS stores things in the granularity of "chunks" and with current settings that limits the file size to approx 16 m illion chunks per file. In a system where the "chunk size" is 2k bytes that makes a theoretical file size of 32Gbytes.
I expect he will add if he has further comments now.


Laurie van Someren, Aleph One Ltd, Old Courthouse, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE
CB25 9BA  UK  t: +44 (0)1 223 811 679 &