On Wed, 2012-09-26 at 12:28 +0800, 姚乾 wrote:
Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be joining this list and learn from you guys.
It's been 1 month since I set my hand to yaffs file system, and i've been reading source code recently, but i've got some problems in dealing with the framework of yaffs and find it a little bit difficult in  understanding the codes, since the information and materials I read in past few days were basically some rough introduction the principle.
May i have some recommendation from you guys of some websites, materials or papers or whatever it is that are relatively professional and in detail? Sourse codes with detailed notes would also be perfect.
Thanks a lot! LOL!
There is a large amount of information at http://www.yaffs.net which you can take as .pdf files and study.
The most generally useful document is probably HOW YAFFS WORKS which we enourage everyone interested in Yaffs to read carefully.  Most of it is written by Charles Manning, the originator and author of Yaffs.

If anyone felt moved to translate this document into Mandarin Chinese we are sure that would be appreciated by a large number of people!  Please get in touch with us.

Laurie van Someren, Aleph One Ltd, Old Courthouse, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE
CB25 9BA  UK  t: +44 (0)1 223 811 679  www.aleph1.co.uk & www.yaffs.net