On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 9:06 AM, Leonardo Rodrigues <leolistas@solutti.com.br> wrote:

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm facing a critical problem with yaffs2 partition when using OpenWRT on RouterBoards, specially RB450 and RB450G, which are the ones i have to test/use.

    After normal operations of writing and deleting files, space seems to completly got lost on the partition until the point i get 'no space left on the device' and have to reflash the board to get it operational again. On RB450 board the space seems to get lost during reboots, while on RB450Gs it get lost on reboots as well as normal write/delete operations as well.

From the description you give here, it is moat likely a problem with bad block detection.


    I have found other users claiming similar problems with RouterBoards models as well, despite i can only test on RB450 and RB450G.

    As i'm facing the problem on OpenWRT, i have already opened a ticket to its bugtraq system, which had not received any attention yet.

    With latest OpenWRT svn versions, i think things will be hard to debug on yaffs part, as it seems that's for compiling 3.10 kernel, the /proc/yaffs files were disabled (done on OpenWRT revision 37285)


    I have also download the revision 37000, which still builds on kernel 3.9 and have the /proc/yaffs files, and the problem occurs exactly the same way as related on my bugtraq ticket to the OpenWRT team. If needed, i can provide /proc/yaffs contents between the tests i have made, just let me know in which points i can provide that information.

If you provide two or three /proc/yaffs dumps that would be helpful... one near the start, one a few tests in and one towards the end.

You might also consider using inband tags to see if this makes the problem go away.