[Yaffs] YAFFS Compilation

Charles Manning Charles.Manning@trimble.co.nz
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 09:32:37 +1300

You will need to give better information than that.
What operating system are you using?
What part of YAFFS are you using [Linux, WinCE, Direct,...]?=20
What is in CVS should compile fine.
What kind of errors are you getting?

-- Charles

> -----Original Message-----
> From: yaffs-admin@stoneboat.aleph1.co.uk=20
> [mailto:yaffs-admin@stoneboat.aleph1.co.uk] On Behalf Of=20
> hariharan veerappan
> Sent: Wednesday, 16 March 2005 3:12 a.m.
> To: yaffs@stoneboat.aleph1.co.uk
> Subject: [Yaffs] YAFFS Compilation
> Hi=20
> i have chosen the files of same version 1.1 and compiled.
> it is compiled. Byt when i compile the code of CVS given that=20
> each file of different version has not get compiled=20
> Is there any patch to compile
> Guide me to proceed
> Hariharan
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