[Yaffs] Re: YAFFS CVS access

Stefan de Buhr stefan at sdb-consulting.de
Thu Apr 6 00:16:28 BST 2006


when will www.aleph1.co.uk accessible again ? I tried the recent days
to download YAFFS but the site is down.

Best regards,


"Charles Manning" <manningc2 at actrix.gen.nz> wrote in message 
news:200603221627.25353.manningc2 at actrix.gen.nz...
> Some fiddling underway on the aleph1.co.uk site might cause problems (as
> Sekhar Nori has reported).
> Try this fof cvs access: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/
> -- CHarles 

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