[Yaffs] Yaffs direct

Charles Manning manningc2 at actrix.gen.nz
Thu May 4 22:37:07 BST 2006

On Friday 05 May 2006 01:48, Ian Oliver wrote:
> In article
> <F269680FD7CE404788EFB7B2A4DBC9CA018F5F35 at de01exm63.ds.mot.com>, Sohn
> Chung-MCG31424 wrote:
> > If we were just talking about linux (no direct), wouldn't the loopback
> > driver
> > provide exactly this capability?
> Yup, but in our case we need FAT/FAT32 in a no-Linux environment. If
> YAFFS can get us this, and also a NAND FS for our Linux products, then
> it's two birds with one port. :-)
> Ian

Essentially there are two ways to achieve this:

1) Loopback driver model: Make a YAFFS file and put a block-like layer on top. 
Probably not optimal in terms of performance, but the simplest way to achieve 
the desired outcome.

2) Lower level: More performance, but more effort to set up.

I would expect the loop driver model to be almost trivial to implement. For an 
idea of the level of work involved, you might look at the loop driver in 
linux (drivers/block/loop.c). It's got to be one of the simplest chunks of 
code in the kernel.

-- Charles

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