[Yaffs] How to use nandemul in yaffs2

Charles Manning manningc2 at actrix.gen.nz
Wed Jun 7 08:40:25 BST 2006

On Tuesday 06 June 2006 20:35, eq wrote:
> Hi
> I comfront a problem about the yaff2,how to use the nandemul ?
> I just mount -t yaffsram none /mnt ,but it doesnot works, why?

You misunderstand the use of the mount command. The parameter after -t is the 
file system type which must be yaffs or yaffs2.

With yaffs1 there is a built-in ram emulator (yaffs_ramem.c) that does not 
require an mtd device. This is no longer supported by yaffs2.

Instead, for yaffs2 you must use a fake mtd device that does the emulation. 
You can eirther use one from the mtd group or the one in yaffs CVS. Asusming 
you're using the latter than you need to do something like the follwowng:

First load the nand emulation module

# insmod nandemul2k.o

Now there is an "mtd device" which looks like NAND but is really RAM. 

You can now mount this with

# mount -t yaffs2 /dev/mtdblock/1 /mnt

NB I have not tied this for a while.

-- Charles

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