24/10/2004 23:28:39, Wookey <
wookey@aleph1.co.uk> wrote:
>It is being done now, and we are aiming for having it done by
Xmas. Stever
>can give a more accurate state of play report.
Indeed - stil plan to have gerbers out by Christmas. Paid work is,
however, a bit intense at the moment, and, whiile many people
seem to want Balloon3 right now, It's still not funded.
>Strongarm 1110 has already been discontinued but stocks have
not yet run
>out. They probably won't do so for a while yet (6 months, a
year? I don't
>really know)
Depends how many you want, I'd imagine. There are still tens of
thousands of SA1100s sloshing around, if you talk to the brokers.
It's possible they're all selling the same 1000 devices, of course.
SA1110 was more popular, and 3 years newer. I can't see them
running out any time soon.