+++ Glen VanMilligan [04-12-10 11:43 -0800]:
> Where to I get the CPLD source for the aleph1 board (2.054)? I see the .jed
> file, but what if I want to change the code?
This is a good question. I think Dave Bisset has been the recent keeper of
the most recent versions. Dave can you a) send us the most current version
and b) produce a list of recent changes as I know I haven't got a good idea
of what has changed and what difference it actually makes since the
'CPLDv11' version of about a year ago.
Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679
work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/ play: http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/