Hello all !
I use "dd of=/mnt/yaffs2/vfat.img bs=1024 seek=1800000 count=0" to
create a large file in yaffs2 quickly, but I found when I
umount/remount it , the filesize of vfat.img reduce to zero. I
searched the source of yaffs2 and I found it's the problem of
yaffs_ResizeFile() , so I wrote a simple patch. I don't know if the
patch is right , but anyway it worked well in my board.
--- yaffs_guts.c 2007-03-11 00:25:34.000000000 +0800
+++ yaffs_guts.c.orig 2007-03-11 00:24:27.000000000 +0800
@@ -4310,8 +4310,6 @@
in->variant.fileVariant.fileSize = newSize;
yaffs_PruneFileStructure(dev, &in->variant.fileVariant);
- } else if (newSize > oldFileSize) {
- in->variant.fileVariant.fileSize = newSize;
/* Write a new object header.
* show we've shrunk the file, if need be
Falls Huang