This is the output that I get when I try to start the tests in /direct/test:
# ./launch_tests.sh
++ pwd
+ LAUNCHDIR=/mnt/nfs/mcesaran/test/yaffs2/direct/tests
+ RUNDIR=/prova/tmp
+ mkdir /prova/tmp
+ mount -t tmpfs none /prova/tmp
+ chmod a+wr /prova/tmp
+ /mnt/nfs/mcesaran/test/yaffs2/direct/tests/manage_nand_test.sh 0
rm: cannot remove 'seed-nand-*': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'emfile-2k-*': No such file or directory
Running test fw_upgrade initialise seed 0 cycles -1
yaffs: Mounting yaffs2
yaffs: yaffs_GutsInitialise()
yaffs: yaffs_GutsInitialise() aborted.
Mount complete
Error writing counter yaffs2/powerUps handle -1, x[0] 0 x[1] 1
Integrity error 145
fatal yaffs test pid 88 sleeping
(then the test stops): how can I do?