Re: [Balloon] Recovery kernel lack of ssh

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Author: Wookey
To: Chris Jones
CC: Balloon
Subject: Re: [Balloon] Recovery kernel lack of ssh
+++ Chris Jones [2011-03-16 16:24 +0000]:
> I'm using head of the menuconfig2 branch. The buildroot rootfs doesn't
> have ssh or dropbear in it, so I can't transfer files in or out of any
> of the filesystems using USB networking. That makes the 'recovery
> kernel' largely useless.
> How do we get it back? This is a showstopping problem, especially for
> those Balloon customers who rely on the instructions in
> *to build their balloon-based products every day*.

The tcl production process uses telnet to issue commands and nc for
data transfer, instead of ssh/scp.
That bypasses ssh's tiresome whinging about every new card being a
MITM attack.

bbl has built-in support for uploading this way.

So instead of doing
serial to balloon: start usb netowrking
ssh <balloonIP>: issue commands

you can do

utils/bbl --root

utils/bbl --kernel

utils/bbl --shellprompt --usbnet

utils/bbl --shellcommand "apt-get install blah"

where your bblrc contains setting for PORT, $BALLOON_IP_ADDRESS,
$USBNET_HOST_IFACE, OPENOCD_CONFIG (to allow serial, usb and reset

(or you include --port /dev/ttyS0 --usbnetip --usbhostiface
usb0 --openocdconfig <filename> on the bbl command line)
the bblrc defaults in the distro should work...

Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM