we try the following:
1) setup some data in an 8kByte block in RAM
2) frequently modify this data during normal operation
3) on a power fail signal write the block to a file on a NAND flash
4) recover from the written data after the power cut
The time between power failure notification and the uP-reset is
guaranteed by hardware
and is about 20ms.
Simply fsync()ing the file in case of a power cut does not seem
reliable, for
- the file system might be full
- the garbage collector might run to free dirty LEBs and erase the
corresponding PEBs
The latter overstretching our timing requirements.
This is on an embedded system (i.mx31, arm1136@532MHz) running Linux
(we are quite flexible in adapting new kernel versions), currently
testing on 3.0.45.
Could someone hint the course to follow for this szenario?
Any pointers appreciated,
PS: I've already asked the very same question on linux-mtd (more
specifically about UBIFS) to no avail. I thought YAFFS might be more
suitable due to its more predictable garbage collector.
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