[Yaffs] mkyaffs for YAFFS2?

Charles Manning manningc2 at actrix.gen.nz
Fri Apr 21 05:39:33 BST 2006

On Friday 21 April 2006 01:56, Ross Stutterheim wrote:
> I am trying to get a YAFFS2 filesystem running on my development board. 
> Can anyone tell me if the utility mkyaffs exists for YAFSS2 or will I just
> have to modify my bootloader to be able to correctly write out the image
> created with mkyaffs2image which is the only utility in the source that I
> downloaded?

mkyaffs and mkyaffsimage are pretty straightforward for yaffs(1) becuase 
yaffs(1) uses a fixed memory layout (except for endianisms & packing).

Doing this for yaffs2 is not so easy because yaffs2 handles pretty much 
arbitrary page sizes and arbitrary oob binary layouts. Therefore there has 
not been any real effort to generate any  general purpose tools for this.

The best thing to do, IMHO, is to treat mkyaffs2image as "inspiration" for now 
and hack it to match your actual bye layout.

You can then do something similar with mkyaffs.

-- Charles

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