+++ Wookey [2010-08-25 11:30 +0100]:
> +++ Charles Manning [2010-08-25 15:50 +1200]:
> > Can someone please give this a look over and add to subversion?
> OK, done (in trunk).
Oh, forgot to say that I haven't changed the default yaffs checkout
date - only the makefile stuff. I guess we should, in trunk, but not in 1.0
branch. But I thought that was a different thing from fixing the
git/cvs functionality.
Are we all agreed that trunk should move forward to yaffs-last-week by
Who thinks the 1.0 release branch should move forward too? (from
the well-tested 2009-09-10)
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM